MCGREGOR, Texas (September 28, 2015)   Interest in the Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children is rising after being the featured Charity Champion by The First National Bank - "Your Bank for Life” during the Rice vs. Baylor game last Saturday, September 26.

The Advocacy Center is the eighth Charity Champion in two years to be selected by the bank out of nearly 50 nominations.  Its staff and leadership team will participate in 360 Solutions’ executive training program funded by the bank. The nonprofit will also receive a marketing campaign to raise awareness and, more importantly, to drive support.

The Advocacy Center is in need of a building about three times the size of their current 8,000 square foot space. 

“It’s extremely beneficial to the investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases for all partners – law enforcement, Child Protective Services and District Attorney’s offices – to be housed together,” said Barbara Wright, executive director of the the Advocacy Center. “We are at maximum capacity in our building, and many of our staff and our partners are sharing offices.”

An Advocacy Center volunteer nominated the nonprofit.  When asked why the organization was special, she wrote:

Anyone can become a victim of a crime; it knows no boundaries. A mother robbed, a store clerk held at gun point, a child who was sleeping when a burglar came into their home and is now afraid of sleeping alone.  What do these people do after something like this has happened to them? Who helps them regain their trust in the world? ACCVC provides free counseling to anyone who is a victim of a crime. They also provide free rape kits and sexual assault nurse examinations to children and adults.


The Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children began in 1976 as the Waco Rape Crisis Center. Over the years, needs necessitated adding programs and services.  Today the nonprofit serves men, women and children in McLennan, Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill and Limestone counties. The Children’s Advocacy Center offers a holistic, coordinated response to suspected sexual or physical abuse/neglect of children 17 and under. The Victims Center offers case management, counseling and a 24/7 crisis hotline. Prevention and Education staff work with area schools, universities and community organizations to change attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that lead to sexual violence.Visit to learn more.