Personal Banking
Financial EDGE Academy for Personal
At TFNB Your Bank for Life, we want to empower you to have the edge on your finances. Whether it’s starting a business, raising money for a charitable cause, or just making sure you continue to keep up with the latest trends in finance, this program is custom designed to give you the right EDGEucation to make the best financial decisions for you and your family!
Foundations Workshop (Introductory Level)
Setting the foundations of financial success.
Life's Edge Workshop (Intermediate Level)
Understanding Loans, Credits, and CD's
Building Financial Capability
Learn how to manage your money and avoid financial dangers.
Owning a Home
Explore the benefits and costs of buying and owning a home.
Investing in Your Future
Learn how to be more financially prepared in the years ahead
Financial Caregiving
Learn more about the responsibilities of caring of another person's finances.
Preparing for Retirement
Learn how you should prepare for an eventual retirement.
Financial Foundations
Understand the basics of some key financial concepts.