equity fund recipients with banner TFNB joins the Cen-Tex African American Chamber of Commerce and other local businesses to provide short-term, immediate aid and relief to 5 minority-owned businesses. TFNB is a proud CTAACC member and fund contributor. The purpose of the Fund Program is to provide short-term, immediate aid/relief to local minority small businesses who are facing income loss or rising expenses due to circumstances caused by natural disasters, illness, global pandemics, or any situation that disrupts their economic and social wellbeing. “Funds were raised with tremendous community support; including numerous campaigns from local businesses, donating profit percentages and individual donors to corporate donations and matching campaigns with our partners.  We appreciate everyone who has contributed to support our local economy and undergird our minority business community. We are honored to usher in new, positive changes and provide a perpetual funding mechanism for our community.”- Rachel E. Pate, VP of Economic Development The businesses who received funding where:   The Cen-Tex Minority Business Equity Fund is a program created by the Cen-Tex African American Chamber of Commerce (CTAACC) and a Business Advisory Committee comprised of community business members and leaders.  The fund is administered by the Center of Business Excellence, a private sector 501(c)(3) charity affiliated with the Cen-Tex African American Chamber of Commerce. All contributions are tax deductible and will be under the custodial care of TFNB Your Bank for Life.